Saturday, May 4, 2013


Obesity in America is the second cause of preventable death.
Nine million kids and teenagers and sixty million adults are over weight in America alone.

Obesity increases risks in health diseases such as "breast cancer, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, sleep apnea, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, colon cancer, hypertension, and stroke" ("Obesity Related Statistics"). 

"Obesity Related Statistics in America." GAFF. The Get America Fit Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.
 We spend billions of dollars on obesity-related conditions.
If we became a fit and healthy country, we could use the spending for obesity-related conditions in other ways.
Some ways this could be done is by starting with the children of America. We could budget spending in school cafeterias to only provide healthy food. Children are very tempted at school to eat unhealthy instead of taking the healthy option. We could provide a food plan for the schools of America. The children can still be allowed options at Al A Carte but instead they would be delicious and healthy food choices. We would also replace all the vending machine garbage with healthy treats.
Another way to help our children stay fit is providing an incentive for being a part of high school sports. This could be provided as an extra credit to graduate or to raise students' G.P.A..
The young and grown adults of America are just as important to getting healthy and staying fit. The Free Bird Party believes we could do this by providing cheaper health insurance for people who attend the gym at least twelve times a month for an hour long workout. We could also provide funding for new improved menus at all fast food restauraunts. These new menus will cut down on the fat calories and the artificial food production.
"The Fit And Trim Travelers Guide To Healthy Fast Food." Ask The Weight Loss Maven. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2013.
Another way to provide more health for the communities of America is to establish more nutrition facilities. These nutrition places help people gain and establish a healthy way of life. These nutrition restaurants provide exercise and healthy foods. We have a few nutritional locations started already, but we would like to greatly increase the number. These establishments will help people to become more energetic and live life happier and longer. is a diet plan that can help better everyone's daily lives. is one of just many local nutrition clubs trying to better people. They provide healthy shakes, tea, aloe shots and group fitness like zumba, yoga, and boot camp. They also measure your body fat and plan out a healthy diet to help you tone and loose weight.

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